

Reflective essay on my filmmaking practice written for the British Sociological Association, Auto/Biography Yearbook

This article is a reflective account of a series of short films and book works I have made about my home town of Eden, Northern Ireland. This 'collection' of works has emerged in an ad hoc and informal way over the last ten years. Therefore I have written a kind of wander through my practice of keeping notebooks and making films. The article explores the techniques and methods used within my filmmaking practice such as incremental writing, anecdote, wandering and chance encounter as a way to create ideas and find meaning from the landscape. I want to focus on the importance of this tactile and reflective process that is often not visible or explicit within the final films. This is an opportunity for me focus on themes and concerns that are present within this fragmented body of work and shine a light into the darken corners of my practice.

Publication Date:
Jul 1, 2014

Publication Name:
Sparkes, A. (Ed) (2014). Auto/Biography Yearbook 2013. Nottingham: Russell Press